Shipping Info/FAQ
Shipping Info
At time of checkout, after you fill out your addres and any credit card information you will be directed to "continue". It is on the next page that you will be presented with your shiping options and their associated costs. There are several choices. If you select a quicker more expensive shipping option I will do my best to get your order out the next day, otherwise I will take up to 4 days before shipping. I only charge for actual shipping costs and will refund any charges that are over actual costs.
You will find out your shipping costs before you agree to purchase. It is also on this last page when you can enter in any discount code that might be in effect at that time. At time of checkout you will see an option to "accept marketing". I will never give your email to anyone or anyother business-ever. What I will do is occasionally email you with notices of sales or discounts that you might take advantage of. You could expect to get no more than one email a month from me.
What can you tell me about how the wood is harvested and seasoned?
Once the wood arrives by ship to the West coast and is shipped here to central Oregon it is air dried under a carefully controlled indoor environment. All Koa and Mango have been airdrying for at least 2 years and some as long as 7 years now. Only the African Mahogany has been kiln dried as it already had been when I purchased it.
All the milled guitar and ukulele sets are store in a wood shop environment with a consistently maintained 40 to 50% realative humidity.